Sonnenaufgang am ersten Wildalmsee in der Kelchsau

Hike to Schafsiedel

Wild mountain lakes, rushing streams, rustic Alpine lodges and fabulous views at 2,447 metres

The hike to Schafsiedel is probably one of the most scenic mountain tours in the Holiday Region Hohe Salve. Along a rushing stream and past the three wonderfully located Wildalmseen Lakes, the route leads up to the summit at 2,447 metres. After a long, but technically not too challenging, mountain hike you’ll be rewarded with a breathtaking panorama. Experience untouched nature in the hiking area Kelchsau and celebrate your personal summit conquest on one of the highest mountains of the Holiday Region Hohe Salve.

  • Schafsiedel (1)
  • Hike Wildalmseen Schafsiedel
    Every year in the time around the start of summer, the wonderful Alpine roses bloom in the Kelchsau.
  • Lower Wildalmsee (2)
  • Evening at lower Wildalmsee in the Kelchsau
    Lower Wildalmsee in the Kelchsau shines in the evening twilight. What a fabulous natural setting in the Holiday Region Hohe Salve!
  • Hike Wildalmseen Schafsiedel
  • Upper Wildalmsee (3)
  • Upper Wildalmsee

Data & facts about the hiking trail up to Schafsiedel

  • checkDuration: about 7 hours

  • checkDistance: about 15 km

  • checkHighest point: 2,447 m

  • checkElevation gain uphill: 1,144 m

  • checkLevel: medium / red from start to finish

  • checkStarting point: Parking at Gasthof Wegscheid Inn in Kurzer Grund, Kelchsau

Special waypoints: New Bamberg Hut (food, drink and accommodation available), the three Wildalmseen Lakes


  • MediumLevel
  • access_time6:45 hDuration
  • arrow_right_alt15,6 kmDistance
  • terrain2447 mHighest point
  • trending_up1280 mUphill
  • trending_down1280 mDownhill
  • Details

My tip for hot days: On the way back from the summit, dip your feet into one of the Wildalmseen Lakes - pure refreshment!



Holiday Region Hohe Salve

Places to stop off for a snack

The New Bamberg Hut is located roughly in the first third of the hike to Schafsiedel. In the Alpine Association hut you can also stay overnight. The Alpine guesthouse Wegscheid is located directly at the start/finish of the hike.

Neue Bamberger Hütte

Neue Bamberger Hütte
Neue Bamberger Hütte
Open todayKelchsau
Through pristine nature, past wild lakes to the summit of Schafsiedel.

Through pristine nature, past wild lakes to the summit of Schafsiedel.

The rushing of the wild stream, soothing view of the mountain lakes and the springs at the wayside. It’s the wild water, that makes the hike to Schafsiedel so unique and beautiful. The approach to the starting point of the hike in Kurzer Grund already winds its way along the Kelchsauer Ache river. On the hiking trail to the New Bamberg Hut, a wild stream is your companion and then it’s not long until you reach the unique and beautiful Wildalmseen, whose ice-cold waters reflect the surrounding peaks.

Hiking with all the senses, far away from cable cars and crowds. Letting the mind wander, coming to rest and gathering true summit experiences. In the hiking area Kelchsau, you’ll immerse yourself into a natural gem, welcoming you with lush alpine meadows, forests and fabulous peaks. Take some time and enjoy your summit hike to Schafsiedel.

But please note that the hike to Schafsiedel requires quite some fitness and endurance. The New Bamberg Hut and the Wildalmseen are also highly rewarding hiking destinations, which you can reach in just around 2 to 3 hours on foot.

Further tour suggestions


Embachrundeaccess_time1:41 harrow_right_alt5,2 kmfavorite_borderfavorite


Baumgartenrundeaccess_time1:00 harrow_right_alt3,7 kmfavorite_borderfavorite


Innrundeaccess_time0:50 harrow_right_alt2,9 kmfavorite_borderfavorite


Torhelmaccess_time6:45 harrow_right_alt12,9 kmfavorite_borderfavorite


Pallspitzeaccess_time6:30 harrow_right_alt15,1 kmfavorite_borderfavorite


Schafsiedelaccess_time6:45 harrow_right_alt15,6 kmfavorite_borderfavorite

Current weather forecast for the coming days

    Today 2025-02-06

  • sunny
  • ac_unitMin.-8 °C
  • wb_sunnyMax.-3 °C
  • opacityPrecipitation5 % (0 mm)
  • flagWindSued 15 km/h
  • flash_onThunderstorm risk0 %

    Tomorrow 2025-02-07

  • mainly cloudy, some sun
  • ac_unitMin.-9 °C
  • wb_sunnyMax.-5 °C
  • opacityPrecipitation5 % (0 mm)
  • flagWindSuedwest 40 km/h
  • flash_onThunderstorm risk0 %

    Tomorrow 2025-02-08

  • mainly sunny
  • ac_unitMin.-9 °C
  • wb_sunnyMax.-3 °C
  • opacityPrecipitation5 % (0 mm)
  • flagWindSuedwest 30 km/h
  • flash_onThunderstorm risk0 %

    Tomorrow 2025-02-09

  • sunny and cloudy
  • ac_unitMin.-6 °C
  • wb_sunnyMax.-1 °C
  • opacityPrecipitation5 % (0 mm)
  • flagWindSuedwest 10 km/h
  • flash_onThunderstorm risk0 %