The sports trail at the golf course Kitzbühel Schwarzsee-Reith

Kitzbühel, Golfweg Schwarzsee 35



At the Golf Club Kitzbühel-Schwarzsee-Reith (parking facilities) you will find the snow-covered and illuminated Kitzbühel cross-country trails, first and foremost the Kitzbühel cross-country flagship - the Sportloipe.

Amateur cross-country skiers from near and far hone their fitness and technique there. But also professional cross-country skiers such as the Kitzbühel brothers David Kreiner and Benjamin Kreiner (Austrian national team in Nordic combined) can be found there. At the golf club, in addition to this 7.0 km loop, there are also some shorter but varied variants available.

Before nightfall until 9.30 p.m., 3.3 km of the sports cross-country ski trail are illuminated and can therefore also be used by evening exercisers. This 3.3-km variant is technically snowed in cooperation with the Kitzbühel Ski Club K.S.C.and is therefore extremely snow-sure - discover also our snow report for Kitzbühel.

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