Kaiserquell swimming pool

Swimming in Kirchdorf in Tirol!
MoreWonderful relaxation on cold winter days can be enjoyed in WellnessCenter Kaiserquell in Kirchdorf in Tirol. Also connected to the WellnessCenter is an outdoor pool, which provides refreshment in the summer. In the sauna world your well-being comes first! Enjoy some time in one of the saunas, in the steam bath or treat yourself to some time out from the daily grind in the outdoor pool. The WellnessCenter includes a variety of saunas, recreation and relaxation rooms, a Kneipp pool, an infra-red cabin, along with a juice bar with all kinds of drinks. As well as the Finnish blockhouse sauna you will also find a steam room and an aromatherapy and inhalation bath. There is also an outdoor pool with massage jets and counter-current facility, so you can even enjoy a good work-out.
checkFinnish blockhouse sauna
checkSteam room (50°C to 60°C - 4 colour light spectrum, aromas from across the globe)
checkAromatherapy steam and inhalation bath (40°C to 50°C)
checkRecreation and relaxation rooms
checkRelaxation loungers
checkOutdoor pool with massage jets and counter-current facilities
checkOpen-air courtyard and sun terrace
checkKneipp tread pool
checkLuxurious and massage showers
checkKaiserquell juice bar
checkInfra-red cabins
checkCar parking: right at WellnessCenter Kaiserquell (free)
checkWC: right in WellnessCenter Kaiserquell
checkMiscellaneous: Discounted entry prices with the St. Johann Card (Guest Card)
checkPrices & Opening hours: Latest information available at www.kaiserquell.com