Health counseling by phone

Comprehensive medical care is available for you in the St. Johann in Tirol region. In the towns of St. Johann in Tirol, Oberndorf, Kirchdorf and Erpfendorf you will find specialist doctors, dentists and pharmacies. There is also a contemporary district hospital in St. Johann in Tirol . An overview of the doctors, pharmacies and dentists in the region that are currently open can be called up here. The emergency weekend and bank holiday cover are also listed!
In urgent emergency cases, the contemporary district hospital in St. Johann in Tirol is available to you 24 hours a day. You will be well looked after in the various departments in the hospital and cared for according to the latest standards.
Weekend & bank holiday doctor services
Should you need to see a doctor at the weekend, on-call practices are available. This page provides an overview of the on-call doctors in the towns of St. Johann in Tirol, Oberndorf, Kirchdorf and Erpfendorf.
In the event of emergency, the Tyrol call centre can provide you with advice. You will find the numbers you can dial in the event of an incident here.
checkAlpine emergency: 140
checkEuropean emergency: 112
checkWhere is the accident location?
checkWho is reporting the accident?
checkWhat has happened?
checkHow many are injured?
checkFollow the instructions of the call centre staff!