This well-known racing bike tour takes us from Brixen im Thale, to St. Johann in Tirol, to the Pillersee Lake and back to Brixen. Starting from Brixen’s tourist office, we take the main road to Kirchberg and on to Reith near Kitzbühel. At Gasthof Reinache we turn right and arrive in Oberndorf. After a short stretch on the main road, we turn right and soon reach the centre of St. Johann. From St. Johann we continue in the direction of Fieberbrunn. In Fieberbrunn there is a crossroads where we turn left towards Waidring. Slightly uphill we reach the village of St. Jakob in Haus, soon followed by St. Ulrich am Pillersee. Next to the enchanting Pillersee Lake and past the pilgrimage church of St. Adolari, we reach the village of Waidring after a short descent. From here we cycle back to St. Johann. In Erpfendorf we cross the Grossache river and directly behind it we turn onto the old asphalted road, which leads us via Kirchdorf to St. Johann. Passing the Weitau agricultural school and via Oberndorf we finally reach the Gasthof Reinache again. From here we return to Brixen im Thale as usual.
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