At Salon Madame - Your Hairologist, nature care takes precedence. As a natural hairdresser, we exclusively use 100% plant-based color. Experience the fusion of professional hairstyling and sustainable care at Salon Madame.
Salon Madame
Wörgl, Bahnhofstraße 19
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Openingstijden11.07.2017 - 11.07.2027Di08:30 - 18:00Woe08:30 - 18:00Do08:30 - 18:00Vrij08:30 - 18:00
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Openingstijden en contact
- Datum kiezenevent11.07.2017 - 11.07.2027
Di08:30 - 18:00Woe08:30 - 18:00Do08:30 - 18:00Vrij08:30 - 18:00
Appointments also by arrangement! Contact
Bahnhofstraße 19, 6300 Wörgl
Telefoon: +43 664 3835774Email: tina@haarologe.atRoute plannenWebsite