Star Tour in the Schneerosental

pr. online booking
car park schneerosenthal, 19:00favorite_borderfavoriteAir-rifle shooting is an Olympic discipline where shots are fired with an air rifle on a target. Join us and fight for the master emblem of the Angerberg shooting guild on the electronic shooting range. Of course, there will be an experienced shooter to look after you.
Meeting place: Rifle club Angerberg, Linden 3, 6320 Angerberg
Latest registration: by 4 p.m. the day before online, in the tourist information offices or by phone to +43 660 8150166
Costs with/without Kitzbüheler Alpen Guest Card: € 10.- for one sample disc (unlimited) and a tournament run with 10 shots (Prices subject to change)
Participants: min. 3
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Tilbagevendende arrangement
sted for arrangementet
Schützenheim Angebeg, Linden 3 (Kindergarten building)
Linden 3, 6320 Angerberg
Telefon: +43 660 8150166Email: vorstand@sg-angerberg.atarrangør
Schützenheim Angerberg
Linden 3
6320 Angerberg
Telefon: +43 660 8150166Email: arrangementer
pr. online booking
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