Delicacy festival with Goasbock meeting

St. Johann in Tirol, Oberhofen

Schmankerl Fest


Za10:30 Tijdstip

Informatie over het evenement

From 10:30 a.m. presentation and presentation of the bucks followed by an award ceremony

“Die Schlossberger” provide musical entertainment
All sorts of delicacies from the Leukental.

Let yourself be surprised. Entry is free!

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  • Datums en aankomst

  • Herhalend evenement

  • Locatie

    Trotting Course St. Johann

    Oberhofen, 6380 St. Johann in Tirol

  • Organisator

    Leukentaler Schmankerlverein

    Herrn Thomas Keuschnigg

    Telefon: +43 664 3809780

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